Saturday, February 24, 2007

Breaking through the ice

Do you ever have those days when you feel just, well, blah? That's how I've been feeling lately. I'm sure it's a combination of circumstances and stress in my life, lack of sleep (my 9-month-old still gets me up a few times a night), and this dreary Minnesota winter (with a windy snow/ice storm going on right now), but I'm tired of it and want to break out of my funk! Oddly enough, I was reading Ali's blog the other day and see that she's been feeling similarly. I really liked what she did to help her break through the ice. She wrote down a few things that she felt grateful for RIGHT NOW. So, I thought I would do the same. Maybe it will help me see past all the things that are driving me crazy (like cat hair, constant jabbering and noise, feeling behind in a million things, etc....) Here goes. Today I feel gratitude for:

1. Friends in my local chapter of MOMS Club.
2. Dark chocolate.
3. A big hug from my preschooler.
4. A big smile from my baby. I can't believe he turned 9 months old today!
5. A big supportive hug from my hubby.
6. Coffee.
7. Getting caught up on laundry (mostly -- I guess it's never really done!)
8. Music. Everything from Gomez to REM to Horowitz. (Horowitz proved very effective to calm everyone prior to bedtime!)
9. Staying in my PJ's all day long and even getting a little 20-minute power nap around noon. It was much needed!
10. All the incredibly wonderful comments on my artwork for the Cabinet of Curiosities challenge. Thank you all! They really put a smile on my face and gave me confidence. Although I'm very behind in the challenge, I WILL finish it! The very last prompt was posted today on Kari's blog and the theme of Destination and Reflection couldn't be more apropos for me! I'll use this prompt to finish all the other prompts that I'm behind on! I feel like it was a get out of jail free pass. :-)

What are you feeling grateful for in your life today?

1 comment:

Kari said...

What a great list! Hope you're feeling more "up" lately. So many things to be thankful for. Great idea!!!