Monday, July 13, 2009

Everyday Life

Here I find myself getting caught up again. Ah, the busy life of a stay-at-home mom with three young boys!

Day 187: Within minutes of his birth, I noticed Emmett had a dimple on his right cheek. Actually, he has the one you can see in this picture, and a smaller one that also shows up occasionally. This is the first time I was able to capture it with the camera. So cute! (That's Vincent's hand.)

Day 188: Julian and Vincent played and read books in the baby's room (not being used yet!).

Day 189: The boys and I met a friend and her two boys at our park across the street. It was a beautiful day and I think we stayed over an hour just chatting and playing before lunch.

Day 190: I keep a small stash of new things the boys don't know about for those times when they're bored and need a change. This was one of those days so I broke out a cute book that opens into a bug treehouse, complete with the materials to make five bugs and little furniture and accessories. Very fun.

Day 191: Every Friday afternoon Julian has a combined gymnastics and sport skills class. I snapped this with my mobile phone through the glass. He seems to really enjoy this class.

Day 192: Mark was holding Emmett and the little guy was grinning and cooing at me. Another dimple shot!

Day 193: Emmett fell asleep on the floor during "tummy time" again! While he was having a lazy Sunday afternoon, I put together a little photo album for him. It was a beautiful day with the windows wide open.

Day 194: When we had some landscaping done a few years ago, I insisted on having some hydrangeas. They're so pretty and blooming by my front door. I love them! They remind me of my honeymoon when we saw some absolutely gorgeous hydrangeas in a small town in France.

Day 195: These ceramic veggies are hanging above my kitchen sink. They were my grandma's and I remember them always hanging up in her kitchen and I always loved them. I was so glad to inherit them when she passed away. They just make me happy and I think of her when I see them.

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