Friday, February 27, 2009

Another Broken Finger!!!

Back in the middle of December Julian crushed the entire tip of his finger. It was our first (and we thought, only) experience with broken bones. As unbelievable as it sounds, Vincent broke his thumb yesterday in an unfortunate encounter with a slammed door. It was stressful and painful, but he's taking it very well. The first picture was taken by me with my cell phone in the urgent care room last night as Vincent sat on my lap in between cries. The second photo was snapped by me today after a follow-up visit with the hand doc. My little cutie loves to show off his "owie".

Yesterday also happened to be our biggest snow storm of the year, another interview for Mark, and a visit to the dentist for the boys. Crazy day!

On Tuesday we went to Vincent's Montessori preschool in the evening for the "Night of Presentations". He got to show us one of his "works". He did a great job.

Now if the kids can just make it through the rest of their childhood without anymore broken bones! We seem to have bad luck with fingers around here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures Ginger! That little thumb looks sore.